South Mediterranean Welding Center for Education, Training and Quality Control - SM WELD
Meetings |
• 15.02.2016-18.02.2016 (Hammamet - Tunisia): Kick-off meeting, in
which the partners presented their institutions or companies and the
results obtained in the welding field. The Project Coordinator presented
the SM WELD project implementation plan and objectives and organized
cluster partners to streamline discussion of objectives and activities.
• 26.10.2016-28.10.2016 (Constantine - Algeria):
2nd transnational meeting, where issues related to the establishment of education, training and
quality assurance centers in the field of welding were discussed,
elaboration of masters programs in higher education institutions from Algeria
and Tunisia according to the Bologna process, as well
as students and academic mobilities aspects from Partner and
European countries.
• 03.04.2017-06.04.2017 (Athens - Greece):
3rd transnational meeting, where topics related to the development of teaching materials used in welding
education in South Mediterranean countries, development and
harmonization of curriculum content from Algeria and Tunisia and the
adoption of European / International Welding Engineer - IWE / EWE
syllabus were discussed.
• 27.11.2017-29.11.2017 (Monastir - Tunisia):
4th transnational meeting and participation to the inauguration of the Center for Education, Training
and Quality Assurance in Welding in Sfax - Tunisia, which took place at
the Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the day of 29th of November 2017. The
project consortium partners as well as private industrial companies,
active in the welding field, participated to the inauguration of the
welding center.
• 28.01.2018-09.02.2018 (Constantine - Algeria):
Staff mobility
at Frères University Mentouri Constantine 1 of four members of "Dunarea
de Jos" University in Galati, of which three are members of the Welding
Association of Romania - ASR and teachers from the University of
Coimbra - Portugal was achieved. During the mobility working meetings with the general
managers of the Algerian industrial companies were done in order to
elaborate and develop of case studies according to
IWE / EWE training program.
• 01.05.2018-05.05.2018 (Coimbra - Portugal):
5th transnational meeting discussing issues related to the development, evaluation and
accreditation of Algeria and Tunisia masters programs, presentation of
the didactic materials developed within the project, accreditation of
the Center for Education, Training and Quality Assurance in Welding in
Tunisia as an IWE / EWE certification body (ANB), inaugurating a similar
center in Algeria and organizing entrepreneurial workshops for SMEs
involved in the project.
• 24.07.2018-28.07.2018 (Stockholm - Sweden): 6th
transnational meeting within
the Education and Training Cluster for academics and students from
South-Mediterranean countries to increase knowledge and improve
practical skills in welding through access to Open Educational Resources
(OERs) developed within the project.
• 26.08.2018-29.08.2018 (Athens - Greece): 7th
transnational meeting within the
Quality Assurance Cluster, which aspects related to the
quality evaluation of the results obtained during the SM WELD
project implementation period were discussed.
• 22.09.2018-26.09.2018 (Alger -
Algeria): work meeting organized by the Houarie Boumediene University of
Science and Technology and inauguration of the Center for Education,
Training and Quality Assurance in Welding in Algeria - Algeria.