Grants Funded by European Commission

1. Durabilidad Integridad de Materiales y Estructuras, CM N/M05040502, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain, 2007-2009, Conf. Dr. Ing. Mihaela Iordachescu.

2. Adhesive joints for aerospace applications, PTDC/EMEPME/67022/2006, IDMEC, Rua Dr Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, September 2007-September 2009, As. Drd. Ing. Mariana Banea.

3. Modular Lightweight Sandwich Bus Concept - LITEBUS, 031321, FP6, Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Management (INEGI), Portugal, 1st of March 2007 - 31st of August 2007, As. Drd. Ing. Mariana Banea.

4. Multiweave project – CRAFT, COOP-CT-2003-508125, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minho, Portugal, 2005 – 2007, As. Drd. Ing. Mariana Banea.

5. Carrier Counselling in Lifelong Learning using New ICT Approach and Tools – VIRCOUNS, P/04/9/P/PP-159035, CE-Portugal, 2004-2006,

6. THERMEC-MOC - Monitoring, Control and Optimization of the Extreme Thermal-Mechanical Joining Processes, FCT-MCES Grant, SFRH/BPD/C/20488/2004, STM-IST, Lisbon, Portugal, 2005

7. Elaborarea şi Iniţierea unui Sistem de Consiliere şi Iniţiere pentru Debutul în Afaceri - CISICA, RO-2002/000-586., CE-România, Phare 2002 Project:, Economic and Social Cohesion, HRD, 2004 – 2005,

8 Stimularea Potenţialului de Dezvoltare al IMM-urilor, PHARE 2002 – Coeziune Economică şi Socială, Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane, RO-2002/000-586.05.02.070, 2004-2005

9. Guidance and Counselling for Self-Employment - SELFEMPLOYEMENT, PL/04/F/RF-84151, 2004-2242/001-001 LE2-51OREF, ASM, CE-Poland 2004-2007,

10. Analysis and Comparative Study on Construction Inspection Job Performance Regulations. European - KNOWLEDGE PL/04/F/RF-84152, 2243/001-001 LE2-51OREF, ASM, CE-Poland, 2004-2005,

11. Development of an Interactive Process Technology Database and Design Guidelines for Friction Stir Welding of Lightweight Materials - DIPLOMAT, FP6 CRAFT, IST-Lisbon, Portugal, 2004

12. CERTISKILLS-Definition of the Skills Dictionaries for Abilities’ Certification, I/03/B/F/PP-154191, EC-Italy, 2003-2006

13. Empowering Employees to Manage their own Outplacement Process- EMOP, D/03/B/F/PP – 146061, CE-Germany, 2003 – 2005,

14. Reţea Regională de Centre de Formare Continuă şi Managementul Calităţii Totale – REFORM RO., PHARE 2000 Project, Economic and Social Cohesion, HRD, 2003 – 2004,

15. Cursuri postuniversitare cu recunoaştere reciprocă a două diplome, EUROMASTER - PHARE 2000 – Coeziune Economică şi Socială, Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane, RO.0007., 2003 – 2004,

16. Welding Processes Control by Computer Vision of the Electric Arc, NATO C Grant - INVOTAN, CP(RO)/09/C/2002/PO, STM-IST, Lisbon, Portugal, 2003

17. Right person for the right job – RIPERIJO, A/02/B/F/PP/124.20, CE-Austria, 2002 – 2005,

18. ARCVISION – Monitoring and Control of Arc Welding Processes, NATO PC-B Grant, B.02.1.BAK.009.00.00/1048/2584-TUBITAK, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, Oct-Dec.2002

19. DSAEBE – Development of Students’ Abilities in the European Business Environment, RO/2002/89058/S, EC-Romania, 2002

20. Statistical Indicators for Benchmarking the Information Society - SIBIS+, Research Project FP5/IST-2000-26276 /IST 2001-3,

21. New ICT Didactic Methods & Tools for Higher Education – NEWMIT, RO/2002/89056/EX, CE-Romania, 2002 – 2003

22. OVIDE - Curriculum Development for European Recognition of Diplomas - TEMPUS IB JEP 14254/99, EC-Romania, 1999-2001

23. Retraining Program by Open and Distance Teaching for Underwater Technologies, JEP 12466/97, CE-Romania, TEMPUS Project, 1997 – 2001

24. QUALIMAN-Quality Management in Higher Education, TEMPUS_S_JEP 13133/97, EC-Romania, 1997-2000

25. TQM IN GRADUATE ENGINEERING - Development and Implementation in Higher Education, TEMPUS_S_JEP 11230/96, EC-Romania, 1996-2000