In the Second Phase (2013), the project website (http://www.cmrs.ugal.ro/gazoduct) was updated, in which are presented information about ongoing research project PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.1-1057. The dissemination plan of the project results included other actions:

- Papers published in ISI Journals

1. Birsan D. C., Rusu C. C., Scutelnicu E., Mistodie R. L., Heat Transfer Analysis in API X70 Steel Joints Performed by Double Submerged Arc Welding Process, Metalurgia International, Vol. 18, Spec. Iss. 1, pp. 62-65, 2013

- Papers published in BDI Journals

1. Birsan D., Mircea O., Coupled Analysis Of The Double Submerged Arc Welding Process Using Element Movement Techniques, New Technologies and Products in Machine Manufacturing Technologies Journal, ISSN 1224-029X, Suceava, Romania, pp. 297-301.

- Papers published in ISI proceedings

1. Scutelnicu E. , Rusu C. C., Constantin E., Teodor V., Prediction of Cooling Rate in API-5L-X70 Steel Plates welded by Submerged Double-Arc Welding, Recent Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Technologies, ISBN 978-1-61804-186-9, Vouliagmeni, Greece, pp. 52-57.

2. Mistodie L. R., Constantin E., Voicu C., Teodor V., Experimental Research on Submerged Multi-arc Welding of API-5L-X70 Steel, Recent Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Technologies, ISBN 978-1-61804-186-9, Vouliagmeni, Greece, pp. 227-232.

3. Rusu C.C., Scutelnicu E., Mistodie L. R., Teodor V., Numerical Models for Simulation of Submerged Double Arc Welding Process, Recent Advances in Industrial and Manufacturing Technologies, ISBN 978-1-61804-186-9, Vouliagmeni, Greece, pp. 233-238.

- Papers published in national conferences proceedings

1. Radoiu B., Bormambet M., Peride N., Constantin E., Studiu comparativ al tensiunilor din conductele magistrale de gaze, ASR “Sudura 2013” Conference, 17-19 aprilie 2013, Bucharest, Sudura S.R.L. Publishing House, Timisoara, pp. 210-219.

2. Pintilie A., Radoiu B., Bormambet M., Dimensionarea curbelor de intersectie pentru conductele magistrale de gaze naturale, ASR “Sudura 2013” Conference, 17-19 aprilie 2013, Bucharest, Sudura S.R.L. Publishing House, Timisoara, pp. 200-209.

- Papers presented in international ISI conferences

1. Scutelnicu E. , Rusu C. C., Constantin E., Teodor V., Prediction of Cooling Rate in API-5L-X70 Steel Plates welded by Submerged Double-Arc Welding, 1st International Conference on Industrial and Manufacturing Technologies - INMAT'13, 14-16 May 2013, Vouliagmeni, Greece.

2. Mistodie L. R., Constantin E., Voicu C., Teodor V., Experimental Research on Submerged Multi-arc Welding of API-5L-X70 Steel, 1st International Conference on Industrial and Manufacturing Technologies - INMAT'13, 14-16 May 2013, Vouliagmeni, Greece.

3. Rusu C.C., Scutelnicu E., Mistodie L. R., Teodor V., Numerical Models for Simulation of Submerged Double Arc Welding Process, 1st International Conference on Industrial and Manufacturing Technologies - INMAT'13, 14-16 May 2013, Vouliagmeni, Greece.

- Papers presented in national conferences

1. Radoiu B., Bormambet M., Peride N., Constantin E., Studiu comparativ al tensiunilor din conductele magistrale de gaze, ASR “Sudura 2013” Conference, 17-19 April 2013, Bucharest.

2. Pintilie A., Radoiu B., Bormambet M., Dimensionarea curbelor de intersectie pentru conductele magistrale de gaze naturale, ASR “Sudura 2013” Conference, 17-19 April 2013, Bucharest.

3. Birsan D., Mircea O., Coupled Analysis Of The Double Submerged Arc Welding, Process Using Element Movement Techniques, The 17th International Conference New Technologies and Products in Machine Manufacturing Technologies, 17-18 May 2013, Suceava, Romania.