Papers presented at Pilsen Manufacturing Technology 2017 International Conference:
1. Modelling of a New Constructive Solution for Rotor of a Single Screw
Compressor, Nicusor BAROIU, Florin SUSAC, Virgil Gabriel TEODOR, Nicolae OANCEA, Manufacturing Technology 2017, February 7-8, Pilsen, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing and Technologies, ISBN 978-80-261-0636-4, Online ISSN 2195-4364, pp. 13-26;
2. Tangential Ring Tool — Graphical Profiling Method in CATIA, Virgil Gabriel TEODOR, Nicusor BAROIU, Florin SUSAC, Nicolae OANCEA, Manufacturing Technology 2017, February 7-8, Pilsen, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing and Technologies, ISBN 978-80-261-0636-4, Online ISSN 2195-4364, pp. 282-290;
Papers presented at Tehnomus 2017 International Conference:
1. Neural Networks Applied to Prediction of Axial Force at Helical Drill Machining, Nicusor BAROIU, Elena-Felicia BEZNEA, Florin SUSAC, Razvan Tudor ROSCULET, Tehnomus 2017, May 12-13, Suceava, New Technologies and Products in Manufacturing Technologies, ISSN 1124-029X, pp. 22-29;
2. Constructive-Functional Analisis of Single-Rod Doubleacting Hydraulic Cylinders, Nicusor BAROIU, Virgil Gabriel TEODOR, Georgiana-Alexandra COSMIN, Tehnomus 2017, May 12-13, Suceava, New Technologies and Products in Manufacturing Technologies, ISSN 1124-029X, pp. 126-131;
3. Estimation of Heat Transfer Coefficient in Permanent Mold Casting Using Artificial Neural Networks, Florin SUSAC, Virgil Gabriel TEODOR, Daniel GANEA, Tehnomus 2017, May 12-13, Suceava, New Technologies and Products in Manufacturing Technologies, ISSN 1124-029X, pp. 178-182;
Papers published in the frame of grant RU-TE-2014-4-0031